Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mid-Life Crisis

Recently I spoke with a friend of mine who said he thought he was going through a mid-life crisis. I guess he could be... if he lives to be 100. I think an actual mid-life crisis should occur around the age of 35, since most folks life average is around 70 years.
So.. I asked him this question: "How is this presenting itself in your life?" "What do you mean?" He replied. "Well, are you thinking of having an affair?. Taking an around-the-world hot air balloon journey? ...Joining the circus?....What?"...
"No, no... not that. It's just that I'm sort of restless. I'm thinking about buying a sports car and fixing it up...really cool looking sort of thing. . Perhaps just drive it around... I don't know.... just thinking about stuff."

I've seen those older guys driving around in their sports cars, sometimes convertibles, with the top down,... the whole diamond earring in the ear routine, ...shirtless... (heads up... that's really not a good look for most over 50's... over 40's?...)... Actually, most guys over 30, especially if you really like beer.)
My friend asked me if I had ever experience the whole mid-life crisis thing and, if so, what did I do about it. After thinking about it I had to come to the conclusion that I had never actually "had" a mid-life crisis... I guess. I mean, I never had the inclination to buy a sports car or get tattoos or earrings or have an affair.... or ride around shirtless. You can all thank me for that one.
I don't mean to make light of what some guys (and gals) go through emotionally when they reach a certain age. I do have some age-related feelings about getting older. They just haven't pushed me over the edge (yet). I would say that, if anything, the feelings I have about getting older have mostly to do with "accomplishments". When I turned 50 I went back to college to get a degree in Addiction Counseling. It wasn't a major degree, just an Associates Degree, but, it was important for me because I had dropped out of high school back when I was young and stupid and smoking a lot of pot and taking those funny pills that make you think your socks are turning into bullfrogs and the evergreen in the front yard is actually a beautiful woman....
As I get older I do have these feelings of not making a difference anymore. When the kids are grown and have flown the nest and the job I've worked for 30 years no longer inspires me to hit it hard like I did when I was 30... When I haven't accomplished some of the things I set out to accomplish... the goals I set for myself. Getting a better education was one that I accomplished recently and that made me feel a lot better about myself. It seems life is a lot about setting goals and then stiving to reach them somehow.
When I think about me, or anyone else, going through what they call a mid-life crisis, I'm inclined to think that a lot of it has to do with feeling no longer "useful" (the fact that it rhymes with "youthful" is probably more than coincidence. I think we all want to feel like we make a difference, and, most of us believe that we do, or are too busy with kids and jobs to think about it, especially when we're younger. Then, as we get older, we start to get these nagging questions: "What am I doing with my life anymore?"... "How much longer do I have to accomplish my goals"?.... "Why can't I remember what I had for lunch?"....
Personally, I decided a few years ago to just put one foot in front of the other... go back to school and get a degree.... record some new songs that coincide with that degree and put out a new CD of Addiction Recovery Music.... perform some concerts for folks that usually don't get the opportunity to attend concerts that deal with heart issues, (addiction, alcoholism, homelessnes),....start writing a blog that allows me to share some of my life experiences and hopefully inspire some thoughs about life, love and the pursuit of happiness....
I'm inclined to think that we react to growing old(er) in various ways. I believe the mid-life crisis is simply the desire to re-capture our youth, to try and go back in time. We can do crazy things like have affairs, buy exotic cars, act like we're 25 again and start rock-climbing or bunge jumping off bridges.... We can try to numb themselves by drinking and drugging, or, as it is with some people..... not think about it at all. I guess it depends on the person.
I think, as long as we're still breathing, we're all able to make some changes in our lives that will help us feel our lives arent being wasted. Hopefully, as we've grown older, we have some wisdom to pass down to the younger generation(s). Even trying to help others avoid some of the mistakes we've made is, perhaps, a vital contribution to someone's life and could be making a big difference.....

I know I'm sort of rambling as I write this blog. It's sort of a relief valve for me. It was either that or buy a sports car and get a tattoo... but if I did that my wife would kill me.

...... Hey, wait a minute!... Then I wouldn't have to worry any more about mid-life, end-of-life stuff..... hmm..... I hope I made the right decision here.....

Anyway, if you have any comments about your own feelings about getting older,.. or mid-life crisis issues, I would love to hear about them.. you can email me at: or make a comment here on the blog site. Hope you all have a great week!....

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